Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Volatile and double-checked locking

This is a lazy initialization of singleton.

What does volatile do here?

1:  public final class SingletonDemo {  
2:    private static volatile SingletonDemo instance;  
3:    private SingletonDemo() { }  
4:    public static SingletonDemo getInstance() {  
5:      if (instance == null ) {  
6:        synchronized (SingletonDemo.class) {  
7:          if (instance == null) {  
8:            instance = new SingletonDemo();  
9:          }  
10:        }  
11:      }  
12:      return instance;  
13:    }  
14:  }  
Well, volatile ensures one thread can always read the up-to-date value of the variable updated by another thread.

What happens if we remove volatile?

OK, brain exercise time. Suppose two threads A and B come to this getInstance() method.

At time 100: Both A and B arrive at line 5
At time 101: A enters the synchronized block, B waits outside
At time 105: A exits the synchronized block at line 12
At time 106: B enters the synchronized block at line 7

Question: For thread B, is 'instance' equal to null now? Not necessarily without the volatile keyword. It might still seem to be null to B although it has in fact been assigned some value.

Next question: is there any advantage of using double-checked lock over the following implementation, which looks much neater.
1:  public final class SingletonDemo {  
2:    private static SingletonDemo instance = null;  
3:    private SingletonDemo() { }  
4:    public static synchronized SingletonDemo getInstance() {  
5:      if (instance == null) {  
6:        instance = new SingletonDemo();  
7:      }  
8:      return instance;  
9:    }  
10:  }  

I guess when the number of threads is high, the 2nd implementation is slower because of the synchronized keyword on the method. For the 1st implementation, once the object has been created, the synchronized block won't be executed at all.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Builder pattern

Quick template code

 public class FullName {  
   private final String firstName;  
   private final String lastName;  
   public static class Builder{  
     private String firstName;  
     private String lastName;  
     public Builder(){}  
     public Builder firstName(String firstName){  
       this.firstName = firstName;  
       return this;  
     public Builder lastName(String lastName){  
       this.lastName = lastName;  
       return this;  
     public FullName build(){  
       return new FullName(this);  
   private FullName(Builder builder) {  
     firstName = builder.firstName;  
     lastName = builder.lastName;  

Client code

 FullName name = new FullName.Builder().firstName("Ming").lastName("Sun").build();  

Finalizer guardian

"Effective Java" Item 7: Avoid finalizer

In the last few paragraphs, a concept of 'Finalizer guardian' is introduced. It took me a while to get my head around it. So I would like to share my understanding.

When we override a class's finalize() method, it is important we call super.finalize(), because its super class may want to close some critical resources. However, people don't always remember to call super.finalize(). Here the finalizer guadian comes to rescue.

Let's have a look at an example. OK, here we forget to call super.finalize()

 public class FooSub extends Foo {  
   protected void finalize() throws Throwable {  
     System.out.println("FooSub garbage collected");  

But with finalizer Guardian, everything is still under control.

 public class Foo {  
   private CriticalResource criticalResource = new CriticalResource();  
   private final Object finalizerGuardian = new Object(){  
     protected void finalize() throws Throwable {  
       System.out.println("Critical resource closed");  
   private static class CriticalResource implements Closeable{  
     public void close() throws IOException {  

 public static void main(String[] args) {  
     FooSub foo = new FooSub();  
     foo = null;  

Check the output

 Critical resource closed
 FooSub garbage collected 

Sunday, 27 March 2016

jQuery Ready handler

 <script src="script/jquery-1.12.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript">
   var $ = 'Hi!';
     alert('$ = ' + $);
Since $ variable gets overridden here, the result is '$ = Hi!'

Now add a $ as a parameter

 <script type="text/javascript">
   var $ = 'Hi!';
     alert('$ = ' + $);

The result is '$ is function (select, context)......'

Because $ is a local variable now. The global variable $ = 'Hi!' takes no effect.

Weak reference

What is weak reference?

To understand weak reference, first look at strong reference.

String s = new String("hello world");

This is strong reference. Only when s becomes null will the object 'new String("hello world")' become eligible for garbage collection.

Map strongMap = new HashMap();
Cat key = new Cat();
Object value = new Object();
strongMap.put(key, value);
key = null;
value = null;

The key in the map is also strong reference. Even though the key variable is set to null, the 'new Cat()' object cannot be garbage collected.
Map weakMap = new WeakHashMap();
Cat key = new Cat();
Object value = new Object();
weakMap.put(key, value);
key = null;
value = null;

Now that we put the key/value pair into a WeakHashMap, the 'new Cat()' object does become garbage collected once the key is set to null.

Here is a complete program to illustrate the difference.

First a utility class
private static class MyKey {
    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        System.out.println("Gabage collected");

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<MyKey, Object> strongMap = new HashMap<MyKey, Object>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
       for (int j=0; j < 10000; j++){
            MyKey key = new MyKey();
            Object value = new Object();
            strongMap.put(key, value);
Output is OutOfMemory error

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<MyKey, Object> weakMap = new WeakHashMap<MyKey, Object>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
       for (int j=0; j < 10000; j++){
            MyKey key = new MyKey();
            Object value = new Object();
            weakMap.put(key, value);

Output is tons of "Gabage collected" message and you don't see an OutOfMemory error.

Git integration with IntelliJ

So when right clicking the project in Intellij, and find 'Git' option is not on the menu, what to do?

Step 1, File - Settings - Version Control - Git, Check the 'Path to Git executable' is correct

Step 2: File - Settings - Plugins - Search 'git'. Check 'Git Integration' and 'Git Hub' are ticked.

Still cannot see the option? Maybe because your project has been previously using SVN as source control? So delete all the .svn and .idea folders and reimport the project.

Monday, 14 March 2016

MySQL 中文乱码解决方案

修改my.ini,如果此文件不存在,就在MySQL安装目录下(e.g. D:\mysql-5.1.34-win32)建立此文件


稍微解释一下,[mysql] default-character-set=gbk就是告诉MySQL,现在客户端传过来的SQL包含有中文字符。
而[mysqld] default-character-set=gbk就是把MySQL的数据库改为中文编码。
mysql> show variables like 'char%';
| Variable_name                 | Value                                 |
| character_set_client         | gbk                                   |
| character_set_connection | gbk                                   |
| character_set_database   | gbk                                   |
| character_set_filesystem  | binary                                |
| character_set_results       | gbk                                   |
| character_set_server       | gbk                                   |
| character_set_system      | utf8                                  |
| character_sets_dir           | D:\mysql-5.1.34-win32\share\charsets\ |


create database mydb;






<property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3361/mydb</property>


JDK6和JBoss 5.0.0.GA的不兼容问题

  今天研究EJB3的web service过程中,出现一些问题,解决后觉得挺有心得,所以记录下来,已供将来参考。

  JDK6, JBoss 5.0.0.GA,Eclipse Helios。JBoss整合在Eclipse中。

  客户端访问部署在JBoss中的web service时,出现以下异常
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMessage
 at javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage.setProperty(

  JDK6中提供了web service相关的jar包,但和JBoss并不兼容。从这个例子中来看,就是JDK提供了一个SOAPMessage的类,同时JBoss也提供了同名的类(显然,内容是不一样的)。JBoss本意是要加载自己的类,但JVM classloading的顺序就是先加载JDK自己的核心类,再加载server的类。没办法,就这样被JDK的类捷足先登了。所以解决思路就2个,一个就是去除JDK6的SOAPMessage的类,如果只剩下一个类,那JVM也无从选择了。另一个思路就是设法使JBoss的SOAPMessage的类加载在先。







  抱着试试看的态度,我将JBoss的启动改为Commond Line方式启动,也即是双击bin目录下的run.bat。然后调用web service客户端,居然毫无问题。经过反复试验后,证明JBoss在Eclipse中运行就会出错,而在Commond Line下启动就没问题。这不得不使我去探索这两种启动方法到底有什么区别,也终于使我研究出了——

  在Eclipse中,修改JBoss启动的VM Arguments,默认的是 -server -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m,在下面再加一句话

  -Djava.endorsed.dirs="D:\jboss-5.0.0.GA\lib\endorsed" (假设JBOSS_HOME=D:\jboss-5.0.0.GA)


  这么做的好处就是让这个配置只应用于JBoss的启动上,甚至说是只限于这个JBoss Server的instance。我完全可以再建立一个JBoss server,不加上那个参数,那么新的JBoss server还是只会以默认的方式启动。

  说实话,为了找出两种JBoss启动的不同,费了我可大的劲了。最后我是把run.bat中的@echo off去掉,让它把执行的话一句一句打印出来,最后才找到了这句参数。而一旦找到了这句话,一瞬间我就豁然开朗了。


Union order by

select .... union select ... order by后面可以跟什么


1. 数字N,1<=N<=列数
2. union左边的select clause里的字段,如果有别名,必须用别名,不可以再用原来的字段名。不可以用字符串。


select employee_id id, first_name, 'c', 'c' ca from employees
select employee_id, first_name f_name, 'c', 'c' from employees
order by ?

order by 3 可以
order by employee_id 不可以,因为这个字段有了别名,本来的字段名就不能用了
order by id 可以
order by first_name 可以
order by f_name 不可以,union右边select clause的字段根本不用看
order by 'c' 不可以,因为是字符串
order by ca 可以,因为是别名,不是字符串了
order by lower(first_name) 不可以,表达式一律不允许

Modify constraint

SQL expert (1z0-047)的题库里有这样一道题,我觉得挺有意思的。

The ORDERS table contains data and all orders have been assigned a customer ID. Which statement would add a NOT NULL constraint to the existing CUSTOMER_ID column?

A. ALTER TABLE orders ADD CONSTRAINT orders_cust_id_nn NOT NULL (customer_id);
B. ALTER TABLE orders MODIFY customer_id CONSTRAINT orders_cust_id_nn NOT NULL;
C. ALTER TABLE orders MODIFY CONSTRAINT orders_cust_id_nn NOT NULL (customer_id);
D. ALTER TABLE orders ADD customer_id NUMBER(6)CONSTRAINT orders_cust_id_nn NOT NULL;

粗一看觉得答案是A。D肯定是错的,因为customer_id这个字段已经存在了。觉得BC错是因为我压根就没见过MODIFY CONSTRAINT这种用法。不是只有drop和add constraint吗?


这是套用了ALTER TABLE table MODIFY column CONSTRAINT constraint inline_constraint的用法。

A为什么错了?因为ADD CONSTRAINT的用法是ALTER TABLE table ADD CONSTRAINT constraint out_of_line_constraint。


主要区别就在于out_of_line_constraint不支持NULL/NOT NULL。其他的什么PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, CHECK, FOREIGN KEY都支持,当然格式有点不一样。

关于C,其实MODIFY CONSTRAINT是有的,用法是ALTER TABLE table MODIFY CONSTRAINT constraint_state。什么是constraint_state?


Key preserved table

What does mean by key preserved table?

According to its definition: A table is key-preserved if every key of the table can also be a key of the result of the join. So, a key-preserved table has its keys preserved through a join.

Let's illustrate this by an example.
create table a (a_id number primary key);
create table b (b_id number primary key, a_id number,
  foreign key (a_id) REFERENCES a(a_id) on delete cascade);

create or replace view c as (
  select a.a_id, b.b_id from a,b where a.a_id = b.a_id

insert into a values (1);
insert into b values (2,1);
insert into b values (3,1);

select * from c;

The result is
1    2
1    3

Clearly A's primary key A_ID cannot be used as a primary key in the view, so table A is not a key preserved table. On the other hand, table B's primary key B_ID can be used as a primary key in the view, so table B is a key preserved table for this view C.

So what happens when you
delete from c;

is all the rows in table B are deleted.

Rules for updating a join view