class Service{ Dao dao; Service(Dao dao){ this.dao = dao; } public void doStuff(String s) { Callback<String> callback = i -> { System.out.println("Hello "+i); }; dao.doStuff(s, callback); } } class Dao{ public void doStuff(String s, Callback<String> callback) { callback.apply(s); //Some DB operation } } interface Callback<T>{ void apply(T t); }
The question is how to test the callback logic (the System.out.println() line). If we simply write test case as below, it doesn't print out 'Hello John'.
@ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) @RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class) public class CallbackTest { @Mock Dao dao; @Test void test() { Service service = new Service(dao); service.doStuff("John"); } }
Well, we can mock dao.doStuff() by using doAnswer() method. It allows us to define the method body. What we do here is only invoking callback.apply(s) while skipping the database operations.
@Test void test() { Service service = new Service(dao); doAnswer(i -> { Callback<String> callback = i.getArgument(1); callback.apply(i.getArgument(0)); return null; }).when(dao).doStuff(anyString(), any()); service.doStuff("John"); }